They don't even know my name
They call me the Dancer... the Daily Dancer... I dance around and around and around and around and around. Hey! How's that for a tune? Should fly up the swing charts.
I hope you all liked Monday's change of pace with The Wanderer. But now, I hope you are all ready to shake some plumage, thanks to a request by Rachel. Here we go!
Shake a Tail Feather
Yeah, baby! I'm outta here, but I'll be back on Friday. Thanks to all of you for keeping the requests coming, telling others about my site, linking to my site, buying T-shirts, sending in graphics, sending in videos, leaving comments, and just having a good time. Oh, and if you ever see/hear me mentioned in the news, please let me know. I'd like to include it on my (far from complete) Press Page. Later!
- Daily Dancer
Wow, my chance to be first. It must be because it is earlier here in Mexico than most of your fans' clocks. Not that I have a lot to say this morning, but I saw you shaking way more than a tail feather! Keep up the good play.
Ah, I think I saw some of your hip hop moves in there you sneaky dog, you.
I don't know if there is a dance called the Donkey Kong, but if there isn't then I think I just saw it. You really do cheer me up.
Hahah just what I needed after a long day at work!
Thanks DD xx
Great Blues Brother's soundtrack pick, DD.
You could probably do any other song from that movie and have great success!
Keep up the hard work and entertaining!
sweeeeet souuuuuuul!!!
I gotta request since were on the Blues brothers soundtrack- "Do you see da light!"-It's the song in the church scene...
where did you learn to dance?
I don't think he did.
that really was one of your best yet. i think i saw a couple of will smith moves in there. my 4 year old son is now also intrigued by "the dancing man".
nice elbow action.
i enjoy your dancing. it makes me laugh.even though it is a bit sad.
I don't know which makes me laugh more your dancing or the comments about your dancing! Just keep them coming, it brightens up my day.
Hey man just like to say i love your work, as a dancer. i really dont know any of your professional work...but wuts that anyways...wut'd u say u were sumtin in software...anyways I'd just like to request a song
Dance Commander by the Electric Six, its on there Fire album
Keep on dancing queen!
The End
Great one, DD. I really want to see you dance to something by Tina Turner, maybe "Proud Mary" or something else where you can really get into it and let loose with your bad self. You must have had your energy drink before you danced today! Keep dancin' and we'll keep watchin'. ;)
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Once again another day made better by viewing your dancing!!!
KOD (keep on dancing)
You'd turned to the Dark Side there, DD - I really had to squint to make out some of the subtler moves!
I love this site - makes me smile every time. And you look great!
KOD!!!! x
rachel is a genius for requesting that song, it was awesome dd
.See - you can send message to eternity there.
.See - you can send message to eternity there.
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