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Monday, May 01, 2006

Yeah, yeah, yeah...

My girlfriend says I say "yeah" too much. Yeah, she's probably right. But Usher is a guy who can never say "yeah" enough. Check out my dance to his song!
Yeah, I enjoyed that dance. I used to hear that song a lot when I went to dance classes. Yeah! I still go to dance classes, but I now have them at work. Yeah, gotta love convenience! :)
Do any of you read slashdot? I started to recently, after seeing some of my co-workers read it faithfully. There's some cool stuff in there. Today, for example, they talk about how this guy was able to recreate the last inning of the 1986 World Series by playing RBI Baseball (for the NES) in an emulator and capturing the video. That's too cool, yeah? Maybe I'll drop some more geeky news tidbits in the future. We'll see. I'll be back on Wednesday!
- Daily Dancer


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice one. Do you actually choreograph your dances or just fly by the seat of your pants? I'd like to think you just turn on the music and go because it seems more organic that way.

8:25 AM, May 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cute!!! My kids think you are the best. I can't wait until they get home & see today's dance. Peekaboo behind your computer chair - no wonder the kids think you are the cat's pajamas. Many thanks to you DD for giving my family something to talk about.

9:31 AM, May 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks for using my suggestion!!

That was fun.

Loved your intro on the chair. YOu reminded me of a living disco ball, sort of.


11:08 AM, May 01, 2006  
Blogger Daily Dancer said...

KC: I rarely ever choreograph my dances. I "just fly by the seat of your pants", as you say. :)
Anonymous: Communication is important in families. I'm glad I can give yours something to talk about.
Tatum: No prob! It was a good song choice.
- Daily Dancer

12:23 PM, May 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey DD,

I'm the news photographer who shot your story for GlobalNational. I was just going to give you a heads-up that your story was going to run tomorrow, but I see someone else beat me to it. See you on TV!

"Now Canada's most-watched national newscast"
5:30 p.m. seven days a week (6:30 in the Maritimes)

7:46 PM, May 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

u r soooo friggin annoying!!!! LOL
...though this is holariouse haha...wat a tard

9:20 PM, May 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahha.... so fun to watch. Can I make a request for "Funky Cold Madina" by Tone Loc??? You rock buddy! Damn your brave!

P.S. I'm diggin' the PJ's

9:42 PM, May 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey...I'm watching you on Global News right now.

2:58 PM, May 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just saw you on Global News! It's great to see someone enjoying life so much!

3:02 PM, May 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too Just saw you on tv. Keep Dancing, you look like you are having a good time. You made me smile!

3:07 PM, May 02, 2006  
Blogger Daily Dancer said...

Thanks! Dancing and entertaining is fun. Unfortunately, I can't see the story until it hits the West Coast three hours later. :(
- Daily Dancer

3:18 PM, May 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I also saw you on TV, well I only saw the little preview to it, and me being a dancer I had no choice but to check it out.
You have just made studying for exams that much more interesting! I am glad to see you enjoy it so much! -- Keep it up, can't wait to see the next one

3:40 PM, May 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just saw your story on Global National...way to go!!
Keep it up dude...I'm gunna check back from time to time. Can't wait to see whats next.
You are now on my favourites list.

4:15 PM, May 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw your interview on "Global" channel. Good interview. Your appartment seem to be spic and span clean today. If you keep on dancing, I'll keep on watching.

5:15 PM, May 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ever thought of e-mailing the Ellen show..I bet she'd have you on..being a fellow dancer and all ;)

7:06 PM, May 02, 2006  
Blogger Melba said...

hey dd. i haven't been back here for ages, been busy writing a thesis. almost done!!!

but just wanted to say i'm glad you're still bringing your dance to the world. and also i got one of your t-shirts; hopefully a collector's item already!

keep up the dancing.

8:50 PM, May 02, 2006  
Blogger Andrea said...

I've been a fan of your site for a while now, and I saw you on the news tonight! Good for you, it was a great story. Thanks for the entertainment.

9:26 PM, May 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have a song u could try dancing too "do you want to: Franz Ferdinand"

10:57 PM, May 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just watched GlobalNational and thought i'd check out your site. Very entertaining! Im wondering, did you get some of this idea from Ellen Degeneres?

12:17 AM, May 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! Seen you on the news as well and so here i am checking out your blog ~ pretty funky stuff!!! You definately put some laughter in a person's day! Keep up the dancing for all us closet dancing-in-our-pj's types out there!

12:31 AM, May 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you have a girlfriend?

1:37 PM, May 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! I think that's the largest response to a news piece that you've ever gotten!
DD's coverin' the globe!!

2:16 AM, May 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok all i can say you must be a result of a early childhood divorce case. Your mother had no friends and instead of u goin out into the real world u spent your who life "chillin" wit mommie. WOW kid i wud love too see wat happens to ur miserable so called life when your mother aka your best and only buddy dies. You have to be one of the most useless people i have ever met in my life, and watchin u make an ass of yourself to the whole world thinkin that you know how to dance makes me want to kill myself. WOW ur a loser

2:57 PM, June 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have to say that was the most annoying thing ever lke y wud n e one get it their pajama pants and dance around like an idiot like no offence but its is really dumb and no offenceto all u who ... well lets say "like it " thats ur choice and this is just mi opinion it just boggles mi mind y someone wud do that tho i dotn get it .. i wont say n e more cuz i dont want to hurt ur feelings or w/e but i just dont get it maybe ur doin it for fun but .. cant u have fun other ways no offense of n e thing but ya ...

5:56 PM, June 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

v'rry dumb, word to the 2 over me but not so mean as the 1st one thats cold man but n e ways dumb no disrespect or nuthin

6:08 PM, June 15, 2006  

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