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Monday, April 10, 2006

Sweep! Hurry hard!

Ahoy, me mates! Last Friday, I did tell you that I would be curling that day. And curl I did! Here is a video of two of my shots.
As fun as curling was, it left me pretty darn sore all over. Especially in my buttocks, my abs, my back, my arms... yep, that's pretty much all over! The Masters golf left me a bit sore as well, as Freddie didn't win. Then again, these athletes already make millions for doing what they love. I don't think anyone is that much better than anyone else to deserve to be that much richer, but that's a different topic.
I fixed a bad typo last night. In the heading of Friday's post, I had "compter" instead of "computer". Dang! In any case, people seemed to really like my dance to Cha Cha Slide. That makes me feel good. Anyway, it should be an extremely busy and tiring week at work this week. I hope to get a new dance to you, but we'll play it by ear, as they say. Ola!
- Daily Dancer


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since I know nothing about curling, I'm going to assume those were good shots. What's the broom for?

9:45 AM, April 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went curling for the first time ever last week!!! So much fun, but very sore for DAYS afterward!

Nice form, DD! But where was your sweeper????

2:59 PM, April 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You missed your opportunity to combine curling and dancing (and you could've used the broom as a prop).

8:59 PM, April 10, 2006  
Blogger EditThis said...

I must be a geek, because I actually think it would be fun to try curling. Too bad I don't live anywhere north enough for there to be a curling rink nearby.

3:45 PM, April 20, 2006  

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