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Sunday, May 07, 2006

It's Christmas in May!

This is really cool! On Friday, I got contacted by the people at GoldenPalace.com, who want to help out my site. They even want me to dance live at the AFL Arena Bowl halftime show in Las Vegas on June 11. How cool is that? Dancing live in front of thousands of fans! Yesterday, I received a bunch of stuff from them. Look at all that loot!
And that's not even all of it. Click on the images to zoom in on that bling bling. Vanilla Ice, eat your heart out! :)
Golden Palace even offered to help with web hosting so my site will never go down again. Anyway, watch for a new dance on Monday. Later!
- Daily Dancer


Blogger Lara said...

I don't know if you know this or not, because it isn't mentioned in your "press" section, but I saw your website featured the other day on MTV. It looked like coverage of another news story but I'm not sure. Anyway, I just thought you might like to know, thanks for the dances.

10:06 PM, May 07, 2006  
Blogger Daily Dancer said...

Yeah, I know about the MTV Canada coverage because I've been doing live webcam dances for their show, MTV Live. Thanks, anyway, for the tip!
Monday morning, I'll be on Canada AM on CTV, for all those interested. I've been getting so much press lately, and I haven't had a chance to update my press page. Will do soon.
- Daily Dancer

10:30 PM, May 07, 2006  
Blogger JavaBeanRush said...


Have fun.

1:02 AM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just saw you on TV again, you rawk! That is the first time i have seen someone dance WHILE they are being interviewed.

We'll be back.

5:35 AM, May 08, 2006  
Blogger Teresa said...

Your going global!

8:23 AM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha! That's awesome! You rule, congrats on all the free swag and getting a spot in Vegas.

Lolol, so ruling. You are an inpiration! :D


11:29 AM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:52 AM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're on your way to making a quick million!

3:58 PM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratualtions, just don't wear too much of that crap at the same time or you'll look like a coporate shill & walking billboard.

5:40 AM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Corporate sponsorship, huh? You've hit the big time, Bub.

5:42 AM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WoW, Vegas Huh? Good for you. Who knows maybe the next step is Hollywood.I am so happy for you.
Keep on dancing. Carol

9:26 AM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Yayayay =)

No more shut downs!


Oh yes; and very very sexy bling *ding!.

10:55 AM, May 14, 2006  
Blogger Willow said...

Even the hippo has bling.

But if you take to tattooing "GoldenPalace.com" on your forehead, I'll personally come to Canada and kick your ass. LOL!

8:18 AM, May 29, 2006  

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