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Sunday, May 28, 2006

Move over, Soul Patrol!

Well, I guess everyone now knows that Mr. Soul Patrol, Taylor Hicks, won American Idol. And now, with that over, what is there to get us all through the summer? Well, we have "So You Think You Can Dance", which is possibly a perfect fit for Daily Dancer. And, for those in Canada, there is Canadian Idol, which premieres Monday, May 29, on CTV. Fun stuff! Anyway, today's dance is to a song any American Idol fan will certainly recognize.
Bad Day
Over the next two weeks, I'll be "oot and aboot", as they say. However, I'll try to get a few dances in during that time. My next dance video should be up by Thursday. In the meantime, check out my video archive. See ya!
- Daily Dancer

Friday, May 26, 2006

Freestyle is what I call it

Hey ho! I was asked by the gang at Freestyle, on CBC radio, to dance to their theme song. It sounded like an interesting tune, with its 7/8 beat, so I gave it a try. Click to watch! Dance along, too, if you like. :)
Freestyle Theme
That kinda reminds me of when I recorded a dance at the Musee Mechanique in San Francisco last June. Those old-style tunes are lots of fun. My next post will be on Sunday night. Bye!
- Daily Dancer

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

How's she goin', b'y?

Ahhhhh, the Island of Newfoundland... that wonderful place off the East Coast of Canada. I have many fans there who are cheering me on. And today, I've got a rant and roar to give them in return. Click to watch!
We'll Rant and We'll Roar
How's that for a jig? B'y, I tell ya dat was some good, b'y. I'll have another new dance on Friday. Drop by when you get a chance. Bye!
- Daily Dancer

Monday, May 22, 2006

Moving forward

Howdy! I'm late with today's dance, but I am now ready to move forward with year two. Click below to watch my dance!
Ms. New Booty
I'm beginning to make minor improvements to my site, with the little spare time I have. The goal is to maximize the use of real estate, so to speak, while improving the overall look. Perhaps one of you would like to help? Anyway, I'm home today, and I've got lots of site related stuff to do. See you Wednesday!
- Daily Dancer

Friday, May 19, 2006

One year! 525,600 minutes!

I made it! On May 19, 2005, I never thought I'd still be posting dance videos one year later. But, thanks to the support from my fans, I've kept going. On that day, one year ago, I posted a dance to one great song. Today, I dance to it again. Click below to watch!
Kung Fu Fighting
So, that's my one year anniversary dance. My gut is smaller, my moves are slicker, and I've entertained hundreds of thousands of visitors. And, dancing to that song, I still feel like I can take on an army of ninjas. Hii yaaaa!
Now that I have one year under my belt, what comes next? Only time will tell. But, it would be great if I could find a sponsor. That way, I could hire someone to do site maintenance, while leaving me to concentrate on what I enjoy most: dancing! Anyway, it's been a great year. See you Monday!
- Daily Dancer

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Pump it!

I've gotta build me back some muscle. And I know just who to turn to for inspiration. Check out today's video and find out!
Pump it Up
So, who has the stronger right arm? Find out soon. Anyway, I must run. Later! Oh, and keep pumping! :)
- Daily Dancer

Monday, May 15, 2006

Diamonds are forever

Yes, diamonds are forever. And last night, on Mother's Day, I surprised a wonderful, loving, caring, person with a nice one. Here's the pic!
Yes, so after 5 1/2 years, I finally popped the question. Yippee! I'm so happy, I can dance. My fiancee is so happy, she has been pouring sugar on me ever since. Click below for today's video.
Pour Some Sugar on Me
Whew! That's a lot of excitement for one weekend. Now, I must go to work an engaged man. See you on Wednesday!
- Daily Dancer

Friday, May 12, 2006

Something to shake a hip at

Shake, shake, shake those hips! It's great exercise and it looks good, too. While busy trying to catch up on my e-mail and the rest of my life, I recorded this little shaker. Enjoy!
Hips Don't Lie
Man! I had so much more muscle a few months back. I've gotta start doing my push-ups again. Anyway, have a great weekend!
- Daily Dancer

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Decisions, decisions...

Man, its been crazy! With all the recent attention, I'm beginning to think more and more about future directions for my web site. Hmmmmm... Maybe Jacko will help me. Or maybe Alien Ant Farm. Oooooh!
Smooth Criminal
Oooooh is right! I have so much e-mail to catch up on. Thanks for your support! Anyway, I've got work to do and decisions to make. See you Friday!
- Daily Dancer

Monday, May 08, 2006

Don't touch it!

Hey! Here's my latest video. I hope you enjoy it.
U Can't Touch This
No time to talk today... soooooo busy! I'll have a new dance on Wednesday.
- Daily Dancer

Sunday, May 07, 2006

It's Christmas in May!

This is really cool! On Friday, I got contacted by the people at GoldenPalace.com, who want to help out my site. They even want me to dance live at the AFL Arena Bowl halftime show in Las Vegas on June 11. How cool is that? Dancing live in front of thousands of fans! Yesterday, I received a bunch of stuff from them. Look at all that loot!
And that's not even all of it. Click on the images to zoom in on that bling bling. Vanilla Ice, eat your heart out! :)
Golden Palace even offered to help with web hosting so my site will never go down again. Anyway, watch for a new dance on Monday. Later!
- Daily Dancer

Saturday, May 06, 2006

We're so close I can taste it...

I'm back up! Well, sorta... I'm on my new web host, but I still have a few small bugs to fix. Anyway, you can imagine how this whole web hosting madness made me feel when it hit...
Iron Man
Yeah, I was hit hard, but I am recovering! That powerful voice of Ozzy is enough to get anyone through a rough situation. Well, maybe not everyone. But for me, long live Ozzy!
Before signing off, I want to tell everyone that adult camp at Camp Winnarainbow is fast approaching. There's so much to do there, and there is so much fun to be had. I attended last summer and had an amazing time. Anyway, have a great weekend!
- Daily Dancer

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Hey, everyone! Looks like my current web hosting provider didn't like the thousands of visitors brought by my appearance on CTV news. So, they suspended my account all of a sudden, without any warning. To get around this, I had to quickly move my site over to a different web host.
What I have now is a temporary fix. I hope to get everything working properly again within the next few days. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I hear that my Video Archive still works, although not all my videos are back up there yet.
- Daily Dancer

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Who doesn't love money?

Money. So many people wish they had more. And some people make more in a day than others will see in a lifetime. Good or bad, money is something that affects everyone. Mr. Trump knows a thing or two about money. But, should people be allowed to be that much richer than everyone else? And does someone like Mr. Trump deserve to be treated with any more respect than the average person? Regardless, I dance to his theme song today.
For The Love of Money
Whoooo, that dance was worth a dollar or two. Now, I must go and make money. And software development is the way I do it. See you on Friday!
- Daily Dancer

Monday, May 01, 2006

Yeah, yeah, yeah...

My girlfriend says I say "yeah" too much. Yeah, she's probably right. But Usher is a guy who can never say "yeah" enough. Check out my dance to his song!
Yeah, I enjoyed that dance. I used to hear that song a lot when I went to dance classes. Yeah! I still go to dance classes, but I now have them at work. Yeah, gotta love convenience! :)
Do any of you read slashdot? I started to recently, after seeing some of my co-workers read it faithfully. There's some cool stuff in there. Today, for example, they talk about how this guy was able to recreate the last inning of the 1986 World Series by playing RBI Baseball (for the NES) in an emulator and capturing the video. That's too cool, yeah? Maybe I'll drop some more geeky news tidbits in the future. We'll see. I'll be back on Wednesday!
- Daily Dancer