Mmmmmm, Drano is tasty!
Well, I hope my dance to Poison kept you satisfied over the weekend. It certainly kept me satisfied... but I'm the dancer... But, seriously, would you really like to see me drink the Drano? Just imagine me dropping to the floor in pain while my insides disintegrate. I don't think I'd ever be able to dance again. :)
In today's video, I reveal what many of you have been waiting for. My girlfriend (who will start answering comments while I am at work) has hinted that you would know very soon. And if you have been following my comments, you will know what I am talking about. Just keep watching the video and be shocked and surprised! :)
Everybody Dance Now
Were your guesses correct? Do you feel whole now? Anyway, before I go, I must tell you that I took my first dance class on Saturday. So, I shall tell you. I took my first dance class on Saturday. Yeah! It was an introductory level Hip Hop class, and it was a lot of fun. It was a bit fast for me, though, and it left my leg muscles in pain, but all that will get better with practice. I plan to do two classes a week, at a cost of $12 a class. The cost is pretty reasonable, but it adds up pretty quickly. Anyway, even though I will try to work in the moves I learn in class, please don't expect me to be an expert dancer right away.
That's all I have to say for now! I'll be back tomorrow to introduce our second guest dance video.
- Daily Dancer
Hmm, the bad thing about going on vacation is that I miss your dances for a week. The good thing about coming back from vacation is that I get to see four new dances at once. Nice squeaky dolphin.
It's the reckless abandon that keeps me coming back for more. And pshaw to all the people who worry about stains on the carpet. It's the glowing soul they should look at. Thanks DD.
Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou DD!! Now I can finally get some sleep at night, a inflatable Dolpin! Heh, I never woulda guessed :)
This dance is the very reason you have so many fans. It's the energy, it's the lack of inhibitions, it's the moves! Keep it up DD!
Blue, inflatable mystery solved. Thank you.
Yesssssssss! I have been requesting C+C Music Factory for a while now. Awesome.
awesome. I would have never guessed it was a dolphin. I think you should ask your instructor if you can record some of your lessons. I think that would be the best.
Oh, and to those crazy canucks...Challenge accepted!
lol yeah not sure about the lessons,simply because how you currently dance makes all the rest of us white boys feel much much better about ourselves dancing..maybe for all the ladies out there you should dance to a barry white tune..
Chester Cheeto
sweet moves bitch.
wanna break off.
its on!
2 words...
belly dancing!
Nice one ..
I never would have guessed!
sweet karate moves at the end....keep it coming!
no more lessons are a more than adequate dancer, I am tempted to ask; what are you like at singing? There is a vacancy that needs filling after the sad demise of the great Mr Vandross.
You da man?
If your voice is as good as your dancing the world is your lobster!
Hi there!
How about dancing to Right Said Fred's "I'm too Sexy" ?!
just found ur site....go sexy I Love it and ur added to my daily check in and will def link you
Hope you'll be adding in your new hip-hop moves slowly! I wonder if the Canucks are going to be doing the Chicken Dance for us?? Can't wait! Thanks for sharing "The Dolphin" with us. What's next???
ROFLMAOPIMP!! Were you slapping your ass?!!
Loved it!
I've never been here before. THanks for the entertainment - it was terrific!
This time the music seemed to match your dancing style the most. Glad the inflatable mystery has been solved.Good luck with the dancing lessons and feel free to loose the shirt in the future.
holy shit what did you do to that dolphin!!!! i need to say you crack me the fuck up,, more than yuo know. I think it is awesome you just let loose and dance like that!!! it's fucken awesome and your a riot!
PS - this is requesting to dress gangsta and do a rap song.
You are a dancing hero. Well done!
Slapping your ass and dancing with wood? Oh my, oh my!
Poor dolphin
OMG. you are one crazy messed up dude...and I love it! Awesome site man.
ohhhhh, it's a dolphin!
you are awesome and funny, keep up the great dancing, i love your energy!!!!
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