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Monday, August 22, 2005

And whoomp, I'm back!

Yes, I'm back for another week of fun and excitement! I had a great weekend. On Saturday, I went to my third hip hop dance class. I did much better this time, as the routine was a repeat of that from my second class. The classes are hard, but I am determined to get better (without losing my original Daily Dancer flare, of course). At $12 a class, though, the cost does add up. Because of this, I am starting a way for my fans to help me pay for my dance classes. See the sidebar for the donation button.
I know of at least two Daily Dancer fans who have had birthdays this past weekend (hey, Kim and Pam!). One of them requested a song that I will dance to today...
The Lion Sleeps Tonight
Yeah! Now, before I leave, I shall point you to an interesting interview done by a regular visitor. Click here to go there! I'm sure you will enjoy it. Bye!
- Daily Dancer


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like you're doing horribly rude things to that poor stuffed animal there.....some new moves I see, not bad not bad at all.

7:19 AM, August 22, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor hippo!!!!! im calling ASPCA on you!@! lol that was funny

7:38 AM, August 22, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you should name that dance Humpin' the Hippo. Copryright it because everyone will be doing it before you know.

9:03 AM, August 22, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool...props.. you are moving up in the world. Ever danced to "Pretty Fly for a White Guy". Thanks for the daily feel good session.

9:09 AM, August 22, 2005  
Blogger Danielle said...


9:15 AM, August 22, 2005  
Blogger Amazing Stace said...

As always, very entertaining. I am almost certain that some of what happened is illegal in most of the 50 states! Keep us laughing DD.

10:04 AM, August 22, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm going to have a rough time sleeping tonight...thanks for the haunting.

1:22 PM, August 22, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, that was different. In a slightly frightening sort of way.

Keep up the great work! Maybe you could do a 'classical waltz' with the hippo next time?

2:28 PM, August 22, 2005  
Blogger Sandra said...

Heyyyy...that wasn't a lion! Either a lion is not in the budget or you wouldn't dare molest the King o' the Jungle like you did that hippo..I dunno...
So I just returned to my stall, er, uhh, I mean CUBICLE after a short vaca. I was somewhat enjoying the sunny beaches of The Pine Tree state for a week, but I felt inexplicably morose, sensed some vague void rending my soul...I knew it sure as hell wasn't WORK that I missed...but I couldn't pinpoint what specifically was harshing my mellow. I now realize...that's what 5 days without a DD Dosage will do!! DON'T FRET, as I am on the mend now (but feel free to send flowers/cards/cash etc...)

3:18 PM, August 22, 2005  
Blogger BAB said...

You make me smile so big!

6:07 PM, August 22, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think you held the hippo close to you a little longer than necessary, and something else definitely needs to be tethered. I hope you know what I mean.And as for the donation, my word! I am sure as a computer software developer or whatever $12 per hour for dancing lessons is probably what you earn in 5 minutes, but I admire your cheek young man.

1:12 AM, August 23, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't blame us all for having odd thoughts about what you do to that hippo!

2:53 AM, August 23, 2005  
Blogger BenSpark said...

Humpy Humpy Hippos. So were you supposed to be the lion. And you find a sleeping Hippo and you say to yourself, "I'm a lion, I can hump anyone I want, I'm King of the Jungle, and its good to be King." Seriously you used and abused that hippo and just tossed it away. What was the stuff floating around the screen at the end of the video?

5:57 AM, August 23, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daily Dancer,
I've been following your blog for almost a month now and i must say it's the highlight of my (every other) day. as a dancer i would also like to tell you that "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" is my favourite thus far. keep dancing,

11:23 AM, August 23, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow that was just wrong with the hippo,and at the end is that stuffing from the hippo flying around? did you knock the stuffing out of him err her whatever the hippo is lol..i think your GF should feel threatend cause you seemed awfully "fond" of that hippo lol...keep up the dancing but hopefully less beastiality lol j/k


1:46 PM, August 23, 2005  
Blogger True Jersey Girl said...

That hippo looked like he got the best of this dance.

5:45 PM, August 23, 2005  
Blogger Nepharia said...

It wasn't as sexual as they want you think -- all those people just haven't been laid in a while :-D

I liked the dancing hippo (of course, I've had a couple of Mexican martinis, so what do I know :-D)

Hugs and kisses,


6:31 PM, August 23, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we keep your dances clean. My kids watch your blog. Alright maybe they don't but your non-prop dances are certainly better.

9:56 AM, August 24, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After reading that your family doesn't know that you post your dances and probably won't think they are cool, I have to say that I think you rock and this was the best birthday present ever! I actually have a "dedicated-to-me-for-my-birthday" dance! What could be cooler than that??? Love the props. I had to get my husband to see the dance too, and he was cracking up laughing. Great job DD, and good luck with the lessons. Sorry I didn't see it sooner, and THANKS so much! :)

5:43 PM, August 24, 2005  
Blogger Willow said...

My kids LOVE your props. They're young (8 and 5) but they know what they like. My 8 year old especially liked your hippo moves. The 5 year old is always dancing around with you and went to grab her hippo! LOL!

11:25 AM, August 25, 2005  
Blogger LITTLE MISS said...

I'm sorry, but you were indeed abusing that hippo. (can anyone say mating dance??) She did not have nearly as much fun as you did.

; )

5:17 PM, August 26, 2005  
Blogger Jonathan Wonham said...

Did nobody else notice the hippo was smiling?

3:14 PM, August 27, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The stuffed animal abuse has got to stop!!
Boy, did I miss you this week...

5:50 PM, August 27, 2005  

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