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Friday, February 03, 2006

How about some Hair?

Welcome, friends. Would you agree that musical music is very, very, musical? Now, I don't recall ever watching a musical from start to finish, but I know that musicals have some great tunes. Check out this one!
That was fun! I must mention, I have a fantastic hairstylist who gave me that fabulous line around my head. Can you guess whom that is? I'll be back on Monday with a new dance. Have a great weekend!
- Daily Dancer


Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol this is my favorite dance in awhile. is that your mom? i like the coordination. nicely done.

8:17 AM, February 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't this dance supposed to be done in the nude? ;-)

8:57 AM, February 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

gf mum is well bendy- hope it runs in the family for you dd ;)

11:43 AM, February 03, 2006  
Blogger Justmeleigha said...

I love this! hehehehe

12:07 PM, February 03, 2006  
Blogger Mel said...

Groovy man...peace out! I like, love it man.

Hair is awesome, its a treat to see Treat Williams in hippie mode, and you get to see Mrs Griswald's boobies! Not that I care about such things.

1:53 PM, February 03, 2006  
Blogger Adele said...

we watch you from work everyday :)

2:51 PM, February 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I swear your dancing is like crack....terrible, but I can't stop coming back for more

2:59 PM, February 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I'm glad it was fully clothed...(if not, I'd have to look away and miss the dancing!) and GF's mom had lots of clothes on, huh? Multiple layers even. Nice close up butt shot, DD, and GF's mom must have been a cheer leader in school cause she certainly is a high kicker! Did GF cut your hair, or did her mom? By the way, do any of your family know about this site yet? Just wondering.

3:02 PM, February 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey where did my comment go? Oh well. Anyway, the dance was great as usual, DD! Love Plantland Days and slip-sliding away on the floors- Get the GF to dance with ya the next. What ya think?

10:47 AM, February 06, 2006  
Blogger The Persian said...

That was incredible!!..but then again anything with your mother in law in it puts a smile on my face :) She rocks my world. You guys work great together!

11:05 AM, February 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You Suck! You look like your on drugs or something. Did something happen in your childhood that turned you into an idiot or were you born that way.
You have a girlfriend? ( Dating your mother dosn't coun't)
normally I would tell someone like you to get some new clothes but obviously you can't afford any.

1:30 PM, February 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok umm who is that???like ur grandma or sumthing???awww how kewt!!well if its ur grandma,she looks pretty young.shes prolly ur mom right??well u guys dance wonderfully!!!u inspire me!~!

luv yas

6:48 PM, March 15, 2006  

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