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Friday, December 30, 2005

Greetings from the Daily Handyman!

Sorry fans, but I have no dance for you today. Why? Because our living room is in a mess with tools and wood and other junk. What were we doing? We were trying to build a little shelving unit for our PlayStation 2 and GameCube. This is my first carpentry project and it is turning out pretty good. After a few days of trial and error, and many trips to the lumber store, we finally have something nice. My girlfriend is painting it as we speak. Once we get the living room cleaned up (probably tomorrow), I will be able to post another dance for you. See you then!
- Daily Dancer

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Spinning out a great Hanukkah

Howdy! On Monday, I danced to Adam Sandler's Hannukah Song. Today, I continue my Hanukkah celebration with a South Park classic. Enjoy!
Dreidle Dreidle
Well, that's it! I don't have any more good Hanukkah song ideas, so I think I'll get back to my regular dances on Friday. That is, unless you know of another culture that has a special day coming up soon. Anyway, see you Friday!
- Daily Dancer

Monday, December 26, 2005

Happy Hanukkah!

So, yesterday marked the end of my Christmas celebration. As you may have read from my posts, I received lots of gifts and had a wonderful time with my girlfriend. Now, it is time to put on my yamukah and celebrate Hanukkah!
Hanukkah Song
Now, I am sure you are all wondering... am I Jewish? No, I am not. However, it is still fun to celebrate. And I have more Hanukkah celebration planned for Wednesday, so come back and join me again.
- Daily Dancer

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!

To all of you who celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas! And it is a wonderful Christmas here in the DD household. My girlfriend and I have been very fortunate this year, so we were able to splurge just a little bit. And since we don't have any kids, we took advantage of the opportunity to splurge on ourselves. :)
If you wish to know what we bought this Christmas, read on. First, because they are pretty darn cheap right now, we bought ourselves a Nintendo GameCube. And then, we bought some games at good prices: Mario Party 7, Mario Golf, Super Monkey Ball 2, and Metroid Prime. And, because I had so much fun playing it when we had games afternoon at work, we bought a copy of Wario Ware on eBay. Also, for the both of us, we bought the second season of Party of Five on DVD.
This year, as we did last year, we filled each other's stockings, and we got each other a few bigger gifts. In my girlfriend's stocking, I put Pac-Man World 3 for PlayStation 2 (we already had Pac-Man World 2), a hippopotamus (a little one), a monkey, Post-its, a candy cane, some chocolate, a pair of gloves, a card, and a few other things. For the bigger gifts, I got her a nice shirt, a pail of popcorn, a pair of slippers, and a Jelly Belly Mini Bean Machine.
In my stocking, my girlfriend put guitar strings, new boxer shorts (as used ones would be gross), hand cream, shaving cream, razor blades, and some private stuff for the bedroom. For bigger gifts, she got me Civilization III for the PC (because Civ IV is out and Civ III is dirt cheap), a poker chip set (to satisfy my gambling addiction), Rocky (yes, the movie), and Styx Greatest Hits on CD. She doesn't want to ever watch Rocky, so she is making me watch it on the computer with headphones on. But, she was nice enough to let me play my Styx CD this morning. :)
Oh, I am so happy. And I think my girlfriend is happy. Take a look at this spread...
Now, whether you celebrate Christmas or not, I hope things are great where you are. I will be back tomorrow for some more dancing celebration.
- Daily Dancer

Friday, December 23, 2005

Let's be jolly, I say

Okie dokie! Today's dance video will be my last one before Christmas, so let's get to it!
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree
Yes! Sometimes when I watch my videos, I surprise even myself. Anyway, my girlfriend and I have done so much shopping for each other for Christmas. Immediately to the right of the frame is the shelving unit from which our stockings hang. And our stockings are oh so full. Below our stockings are a few wrapped-up boxes with my name on them. Hmm... I wonder what they hold... I guess I'll have to wait two more days.
I must thank Beth and Heidi once again for their guest appearance. Just in case you were wondering, Beth is the one on the right side of the frame and Heidi is the one on the left. Now, I've gotta get my arse into work. I must leave a bit early tonight because my dad is coming to our place for dinner. Have a great day!
- Daily Dancer

Thursday, December 22, 2005

What's Christmas without guests?

Howdy! Today, I have a little Christmas treat for you, sent in by Beth and Heidi. Let us all know what you think!
[Beth and Heidi] Santa Baby
Very nice job, ladies. I will be back tomorrow with one more video to close out my Christmas week. I just hope I don't get run over by a reindeer.
- Daily Dancer

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Only four more shopping days!

Yes, that time is getting oh so close. What can we do? Well, I know what I will do... I, now, present you with my second Christmas dance video. Enjoy!
Grandma Got Run Over
You know, with all the media and everything else, we get pushed upon us that Christmas is a huge event that everyone is celebrating. But, we must not forget that many people do not celebrate Christmas. Many people celebrate different holidays, and many people have completely different beliefs. This all makes me think... If different religious groups have such different beliefs, which group is correct? Regardless, religion seems to be a good thing for many people, as it can provide a motivational factor that helps one to become a better person. And now, I must stop my rambling.
I must thank Jake for helping me to straighten out my video iPod woes. Thank you! Starting with today's video and working backward, I am switching all my QuickTime video files over to ones that should work on the video iPod. I will be back tomorrow with a guest dance. A Christmas one, of course! See you then.
- Daily Dancer

Monday, December 19, 2005

Christmas is coming!

Oh yes! Only six more days to wait! Oh, but that means only six more days to shop. But that's OK, as I have the perfect gift idea. Why don't you dance for the people you care about? Yeah! Pick a nice Christmas song like this...
I Want a Hippopotamus
Yeah, that's a classic, requested by a few people. Once again, I call out to those of you who have access to a video iPod. Can you please verify whether you can transfer the MOV version of today's video onto your iPod and play it? I am trying to achieve a small file size that still works on the iPod. Let me know if it works, and let me know if it doesn't work. If I don't get a response, I'll put out another call next week, as I am sure that many of my fans will get a video iPod for Christmas. Thank you!
I'll see you Wednesday with some more Christmas action.
- Daily Dancer

Friday, December 16, 2005

Touching, isn't it?

When it is cold and lonely, and you cannot touch anyone else, you can always touch yourself. Watch the video to find out more. Don't worry. I'm not going to touch anything that you wouldn't touch in front of thousands of people. My site is as clean as a whistle. Whoooooo!
I Touch Myself
I hope you all liked my singing performance from Tuesday and Wednesday. It was fun to perform on stage. Actually, once I start performing, I go into a zone, so it does not matter whether I am in front of one person or a thousand. I think that's enough for this week. I will be back on Monday with some holiday cheer. See ya!
- Daily Dancer

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

How the competition was won

So, there I was, performing for the first time in front of 500-1000 of my colleagues. And I gave them an unforgettable performance... I had a very strong start, breezing through the first verse-and-a-half. Once I reached the "beyond my control" part, my voice was just starting to show a few cracks. What happened next? Watch and see!
Mr. Roboto (Idol, Part 2)
So, was I good enough to win the competiton? Maybe, but the voting was table-by-table, and more tables voted for the "Hit Me Baby" guy. That wasn't surprising, considering he was quite impressive. In fact, all the competitors were impressive. But, at the end, Daily Dancer was left with no prize and a sore throat. :(
Awwww, don't worry about me. It was still loads of fun and people loved my performance. I am looking forward to next year's competition. Yeehoo! What was the prize, you may ask? Well, it was a Video iPod, which is just what I wanted and needed. I've gotta get my videos working on that thing! Until I get my videos working, the winner will be my new best friend. :)
I'll be back on Friday with one more dance before I switch to Christmas mode. Adios!
- Daily Dancer

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

You gotta love a little competition

Howdy! Today, I will stop laying the bricks and start telling you about Saturday night's competition. It was four guys giving it their all, backed by an awesome band. The first guy played "Hit Me Baby One More Time" on acoustic guitar, and then proceeded to play an awesome saxophone solo at the end. The second guy gave us some great swingin' vocals with Mack The Knife. The third guy got some great feedback with his rendition of Lightning Crashes. And who did I forget? Oh yeah! Mr. Daily Dancer, who gave the performance featured here. Check it out!
Mr. Roboto (Idol)
That was only the first half of my performance. You can check out the second half tomorrow. With that said, I know what the immediate question is. "Did I win?" Well, you will find that out tomorrow, unless you work for my company. :)
- Daily Dancer

Monday, December 12, 2005

Laying the bricks for a great birthday

Gotta love birthday requests! I received an e-mail from Suzee, who says that she watches my dances with all the ladies in her office. Today is her birthday, and I dance to the song she requested. Happy birthday, Suzee!
Brick House
Well, Saturday night was a fun night. Yes, it was the company year-end party (not tying it to any specific holiday). And I competed in the Idol competition. And I... well... had some tough competition. I have a video of my performance, which I will split over Tuesday and Wednesday. I will tell you more about the competition tomorrow.
Just so you know, I will be dancing to year-end holiday songs next week. I have a few good ideas already, but I need a few more. So, please let me know which songs I should dance to. That's it! See you tomorrow.
- Daily Dancer

Friday, December 09, 2005

Time for a little Wonder

Yeah, it is time for a little Wonder. Stevie Wonder, that is. Wednesday's song (Milkshake) was a requested song, and so is today's. Check this out!
Man, I love Stevie. Gotta love those glasses! Puts him right up there with Ray Charles and Roy Orbison. Except that Roy was not blind, which people would have learned by watching ER last night. You know, I had always thought that Roy was blind up until a few years ago. That was a shocker...
Well, we have only 16 more days 'til Christmas. How about that? The company Christmas party is on Saturday night. I am looking forward to the good food and good entertainment. ;)
Yeah, it isn't a party without entertainment... Ahhhh, see you Monday. :)
- Daily Dancer

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Life goes on, and on, and on

Howdy, campers! Time to drive up to the Drive Thru window and pick up a nice, big, strawberry milkshake. But, do you think it contains real strawberries? How about the milk? Anyway, enjoy the video...
Well, I finally got a response from my web hosting provider. Looks like they don't "support" blogs with their basic plan. For that support, I'll need to upgrade to one of their more expensive plans. OK, but why did they not tell me that before when I had asked them about blogs? Everything worked fine up until they closed up the ports. Now, I may have to change web hosting providers once again, as I can't keep doing my little workaround/hack forever. I'll keep you updated.
I adjusted my QuickTime export settings just a little, in response to someone telling me that his video iPod rejects my MOV files. If any of you own a video iPod, could you please verify whether this new video works and let me know? Thanks!
- Daily Dancer

Monday, December 05, 2005

Can you spell "technical difficulties"?

On Friday, I had tried to make a post, but Blogger gave me errors when I tried to publish it to my web server. On Sunday night, I figured out a temporary workaround, where I published my blog to a different location and then FTPed the files manually. That worked, except that Blogger cannot regularly update the comment counts. Anyway, please check out Friday's dance and see how bouncing on an exercise ball can be loads of fun.
Despite all my troubles, I did create a new video for you. Enjoy!
Girls Just Want to Have Fun
I know I am not a girl, but I want to have fun, too. And soon, I will go and have fun at work. So exciting! See you Wednesday.
- Daily Dancer

Friday, December 02, 2005

Everybody loves the Beatles

Did someone say Beatles? Oh yeah, I did. A few people wanted to see me dance to a Beatles song, so I thought I would satisfy their wishes. I did dance to Twist and Shout a few months back, but the Beatles have so many great songs. Check out this bouncy tune!
Ob La Di
Ahhhh, another week of dances has come to an end. And on Monday, I'll start yet another one. Hope to see you then!
- Daily Dancer

Thursday, December 01, 2005

What's better than a dance on your birthday?

I received an e-mail request from someone named Stephanie who has a birthday today. So today, I dance to her requested song. Here we go!
Stephanie Says
Stephanie, I hope you have a great birthday. That's all from me for today. See you tomorrow!
- Daily Dancer