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Monday, July 11, 2005

It's Monday morning already?

On Friday, I felt so good, thanks to James Brown. He made me build up a good sweat -- so much that I had to remove articles of clothing. Now, I know that some of you were disappointed that I didn't take everything off. But, you have your imaginations, which I am sure can be quite vivid. You could always open up Adobe Photoshop and paste/draw in all the parts you are missing. :)
It has been a busy weekend for me, and I am somewhat drained. However, that is no reason for me to not give you a new video! And here is today's video:
Cotton Eye Joe
Oy, yoy, yoy, must I go to work? Yep! I must go and write some code. I hope your week starts off well.
- Daily Dancer


Blogger Mitch said...

Dancing with a pitchfork? You're gonna put your eye out.

6:58 AM, July 11, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to bring a smile to all our faces and giving us that "Dance Fever". You ARE the man!!

7:09 AM, July 11, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that dancin' was purtier than a pig wallowin' in a tub of slop. Garsh, boy, you sures knows how to make a gal smile on a Monday morn.

7:14 AM, July 11, 2005  
Blogger ScaryCheri said...

pitch fork...nice touch!
This was the song I danced with my brother too at my wedding!

very touching brother/sister dance song :)

7:20 AM, July 11, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol...awesome dance :) I'm glad you didn't go all "bad_touch" on that pitchfork...you could have done some serious dammage! I'm comment number 7 today??? :( *Cries*

8:01 AM, July 11, 2005  
Blogger Mr.SnC said...

nice,,,at first it looked like you were holding a stick and thought about the dreaded "stick" dance you had on a while back...thanks for the souuuul this morning!

8:57 AM, July 11, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

was da good dance shoo me like it..thank you again muh dood


10:03 AM, July 11, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lots of energy with that song!
I could tell you were feelin' it!
Thanks for the daily grin.

10:48 AM, July 11, 2005  
Blogger Justmeleigha said...

I like the toe-tapping at the end!

Hmmmmmm...how about something by Weezer? Hashpipe, Island in the Sun, Girlfriend, or anything from the Pinkerton Album... there's on called "Tired of Sex" i think.

11:38 AM, July 11, 2005  
Blogger Willow said...


that was so fun! There are a few songs that always put a smile on my face, this is one... the other is Walkin On Sunshine.

Reminded me of my wedding dance... there were a ton of people on the dance floor looking quite a bit like you did in the video.. minus the pitchfork of course. LOL

11:47 AM, July 11, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

props on the props

11:55 AM, July 11, 2005  
Blogger Susan Kachman said...

You're dancing is super hot! Geeks are always best when they're on the computer or busting a move.

I <3 the pitchfork!

1:36 PM, July 11, 2005  
Blogger Francesca said...

I was so relieved that you put the pitchfork down before getting down down down. It's the mother in me.

1:46 PM, July 11, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

herrr haaa watchedashoo dis again be da crazy,you are muh dood


2:38 PM, July 11, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Golly! You just gave our late departed Earnest T. Bass a run for his money! That was better that "Eatin' Goober Peas!" Charlene woulda' dropped Doug like a hot potatoe for DD!!


3:27 PM, July 11, 2005  
Blogger Mona said...

DD, I love your new space...so much room, natural light, beautiful plants...how can you not love it??? Also, your dances are so creative. You keep coming up with great ones. Love it all, keep it coming :)

4:13 PM, July 11, 2005  
Blogger High Power Rocketry said...

Funny how such a racist song is just accepted as a nice dance piece.

"Cornstalk fiddle and cornstalk bow,
I'm gwine to beat hell out-a Cotton-eyed Joe.

Gwine to go shootin' my forty-fo',
Won't be a nigger in a mile or mo'. "

Ahh what history hides behind every single today.

6:39 PM, July 11, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey DD, saw your little strip tease a while back. how about you strip until only the hat is left? haha just kidding ;)


8:00 PM, July 11, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was gone, but now I am back...well done! This one is my favorite of videos that I had to catch up on.

12:30 AM, July 12, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was gone, but now I am back...well done! This one is my favorite of videos that I had to catch up on.

12:31 AM, July 12, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

obviously it is a bit warmer there at the moment or are your jim jams in the wash! It is the middle of winter here in Auckland New Zealand.Would like to see you dancing with just one sock on!

12:58 AM, July 12, 2005  
Blogger Gamesmaster said...

We need lots of dancers if we are to make Confusionism the blogosphere's leading religious cult, so come and sign up today. You'd be more than welcome!

1:32 AM, July 12, 2005  
Blogger TxDove said...

giggle... snort! Next time I'm at the Frog Branch Saloon I'm gonna pull out some of ur moves.. thanks darlin.... ummm do you stretch before dancing?

6:06 AM, July 12, 2005  
Blogger Daily Dancer said...

Do I stretch? Hmmmm... now, that's a concept!

6:17 AM, July 12, 2005  
Blogger Losing Weight: said...

This was your best one yet! You really got into it after you dropped the pitchfork! Another smile for my day after watching this dance..thanks!

12:03 PM, July 12, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think we'd all like to see allison dancing especially in tight lycra or something :)


6:25 PM, July 12, 2005  
Blogger Emily Wilkerson said...

Do you know the actual dance to the Cotton Eye Joe? I do, but personally, I like your version better!

5:30 PM, July 13, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of your best.

7:55 AM, June 21, 2006  

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