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Thursday, June 09, 2005

We interrupt this program with some breaking news

I have some sad news for you. Over the next week, I will be taking a break from my regular posting. Why? One reason is that I need to find a new web server that gives me enough space and bandwidth (for cheap) to keep this site going. The other reason is that my girlfriend and I are taking a short vacation. So, if you send me e-mail this week, please be patient, as I might not be able to respond right away.
But I will be back! In the upcoming weeks, look for new videos, a new site design, guest dancers, and Daily Dancer merchandise. I hope you keep coming back!
- Daily Dancer


Blogger True_Halcyon said...

Weehah! First Comment! Good luck, it's a pricey thing, bandwidth storage...

10:31 PM, June 09, 2005  
Blogger RC said...

I know you don't know me, and I don't know you, but I just would like to say hi.


Ok, I think I wants to say more. Your blog is so cool, and you dance like me, so I added your blog to my blogs blogrolling blogroll on my blog so I can come visit your blog from my blog.

If you need a good host, my host has never let me down, Totalchoice Hosting. They are cheap, and one of the best, and you can find a link to them on my blog.

I hope you have a nice weekend, I'll be back again, and if you see a hamster that looks like the hamster on my blog, could you please tell me, because it could be my hamster Duckie!


10:49 PM, June 09, 2005  
Blogger RC said...

P.S's. I gona add your banner to. Have a nice weekend, again!

10:52 PM, June 09, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...life wont be the same without my daily dance fix but I'll get by. Have a good vacation and don't forget the sun screen.

11:35 PM, June 09, 2005  
Blogger Emma said...

wow. cool moves.

can't wait for the guest dancers, and the new design.

- Em xoxo

12:07 AM, June 10, 2005  
Blogger piniyini said...

you have a girlfriend?

4:09 AM, June 10, 2005  
Blogger Jillian said...

Bummer!!!! Enjoy your time off!!!!

5:33 AM, June 10, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

take your girlfriend's video camera on vacation, do some dancing on the road...WHOO HOOO

7:08 AM, June 10, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Schade eigentlich
ich find die videos stylisch :P
jaja ich weiss das könnt ihr nich lesen
aber vielleicht gibt es ja nen paar deutsche die das auch gucken ;)

7:21 AM, June 10, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Man! I just found your site, and now you're going on VACA?? Well, I added your link to my site, so all my readers can enjoy your moves! Have fun! Can't wait to read/watch more!

9:28 AM, June 10, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nooo! What will I do with my day? :( Have fun in Alaska! :)

9:38 AM, June 10, 2005  
Blogger Justmeleigha said...

We'll miss you while you're gone. Be sure to get some hot on-location dancing done.

9:49 AM, June 10, 2005  
Blogger Butik said...

aww... have fun!

10:22 AM, June 10, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. I'll make sure I'll check your blog regularly.

10:24 AM, June 10, 2005  
Blogger Butik said...

I just admire you and I really enjoy your daily dancing so guess what I will add you to my links!

10:30 AM, June 10, 2005  
Blogger Beth said...

Mr. Roboto is one of my favorites. You and my husband must have been separated at birth. You could be twins ... at dancing. Haha.

11:37 AM, June 10, 2005  
Blogger C. Hedges said...

The comment about the guest dancers is a great idea! Enjoy the vacation. I'll add a banner to my blog also.

Check out Activitor.com for low cost webhosting solutions that might meet your needs.

2:18 PM, June 10, 2005  
Blogger Mona said...

best of luck and I can't wait for your return and for the new site...und, ich KANN Deutsch lesen!!!! Don't worry, it's ALL good.

2:50 PM, June 10, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you are willing to deprive your fans just so you and your girl can have a vacation? Talk about selfish. lol

3:20 PM, June 10, 2005  
Blogger Nepharia said...

www.LiveOakHosting.com They host my site and they offer great customer support. I know they have packages that start at $10/mo.


6:04 PM, June 10, 2005  
Blogger Daily Dancer said...

Thanks for all your web hosting suggestions... I'll check them out.
As for making videos on my vacation, I made a great one today in a popular location. Hint: Do you like Jellybeans? I'll post it after I get back.

7:55 PM, June 10, 2005  
Blogger Lapierre Médias© said...

ouin sa jase icitte

9:29 PM, June 10, 2005  
Blogger Unknown said...

your site was a delight to see.

i have a suggestion. maybe you could add more props to your dances and costume. have themes.. like the dance with 7 veils or celtic dancing or folk dance from southeast asia... :P

11:27 PM, June 10, 2005  
Blogger Daily Dancer said...

I will link to all your sites. It might not be for a week, though.

10:40 AM, June 11, 2005  
Blogger Myles said...

OH man thanks for the smile. Your invited to a personal dance party at my apartment anytime you want. Check out my blog for info on my house party that starts June 11th and ends August 7th. Hope to see you there. We'll do a link exchange when you get back from vacation. Have a good one.

12:38 PM, June 11, 2005  
Blogger RC said...

Hi Daily Dancer!

I just created a new banner button for you, and I'm using it to link to your blog. Anybody can copy it.

Daily Dancer, I hope you are sleeping well tonight, and the bed bugs don't bite, because it hurts as I know!

6:02 PM, June 11, 2005  
Blogger Courtney said...

Hey. I love your blog. It makes me laugh all your great dance videos. I thought of an idea that might be funny. If you were to dance to some serious classical music. The contrast between your funny movies and some really classical music would be hilarious I think.

11:09 PM, June 11, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude, you rock my socks!

5:34 AM, June 12, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Love your site. I put a link on my site to your site. I hope you will reciprocate the link, but I must warn you, my site is fairly new. Just a baby, it's one day old.

Blog on, pretzel

9:19 AM, June 12, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I havhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I just added your blog to my favorites, your videos are hilarious! I found your blogs banner button over at Rockchilds, hope you update soon. Good luck finding a new host!

11:59 AM, June 12, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where the hell all those H's come from?

12:00 PM, June 12, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The girlfriend is for show, right? Cuz they'll fire you from work for being gay or something, right?

12:50 PM, June 12, 2005  
Blogger andarch said...

Dude you rock...you put the smile back on the face. As soon as you are back from your vacation make sure you dance to some Indian (not native American ..but India the one in Asia) music (let me know if you need some ideas)...keep on rocking

3:48 PM, June 12, 2005  
Blogger BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

Good luck! Just found your blog today, and it looks like such a hoot!

5:59 PM, June 12, 2005  
Blogger Alexander said...

you should try http://www.godaddy.com

11:13 PM, June 12, 2005  
Blogger Crudehands said...

Man, nice job! Give us more!

1:28 AM, June 13, 2005  
Blogger unfuel the planet said...

hey I am new to blogging, but did not understand your saying that the storage space is less, and the charges?... I thought blogspot was free and had adequete space

anyhow have a nice holiday

5:25 AM, June 13, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a great vaction! You could have used that money on new carpet tho :P .

6:12 AM, June 13, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha mate.. your odd fella.. but everyones gotta have a passion so go hard son *thumbs up*

yes im aussie

6:32 AM, June 13, 2005  
Blogger Lancaban said...

Just as a thought

have you cinsidered posting your Video's as Bit-torrent files

that way instead of posting the whole video on the webserve,r you only need to post a small (15K-ish) .torrent file
and let the people that visit your site provide the bandwidth
(this could also work with gnutellla & magnet links, or Edonkey etc.)

7:00 AM, June 13, 2005  
Blogger nimrodstu said...

Travola aint got a look in!!
This is one of the funniest sites i found in a while. good to c i aint the only one who dont mind makin a bit of fun at myself when i dancing. I have just found your site today and have been enjoying watchin all the old videos, cant wait for some new ones.
Anyway when u get back in the 'swing' of things i have a suggestion. How about Chuck Berry's Johhny B Goode but Michael J Fox style? or even Auld Lang Syne for your Scottish fans.
Have a nice holiday guy.

7:50 AM, June 13, 2005  
Blogger PipeTobacco said...


Thank you for giving me (and others) interesting material to read. Reading blogs is a great joy and allows us to experience so much more than the traditional media/literature.



8:24 AM, June 13, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should check out the Coral Content Distribution Network, a free mirroring service offered by New York University. On its home page, they write:

Have you ever run a website, only to find that suddenly you get hit with a spike of thousands of requests, overloading your server and possibly causing high monthly bills? If so, Coral might be your free solution for these problems!

You could host your videos on your web host with whatever bandwidth limitations it has, but link to the Coral-cached video. That way, Coral will do the hard work of serving your file to the masses.

-- Asheesh.

9:14 AM, June 13, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are uber-dead brilliant!!! love from christopher and dee

10:03 AM, June 13, 2005  
Blogger paulsepp said...


11:22 AM, June 13, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what about some swing or ballroom style?

11:37 AM, June 13, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daily Dancer, Dave here, I'm working on your T-Shirt design. You're going to dig 'em, I'm certain of it.


1:21 PM, June 13, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want my life back.

2:10 AM, June 14, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAR HAR wow man your blog is a great great source of anti-depressant man!! my finals are coming up and i've to really study hard, (cuz i've been slacking for half year) but your blog!!! LOL can't stop rolling on the floor!! lol mebbe i shld cover myself in sticky tape so i wouldn't have to vacuum. oh anyways have a special holiday!

9:33 AM, June 14, 2005  
Blogger Myrtle Beach Dude said...

We'll miss you! I had a great vacation when i went to learn spanish in Costa Rica.

We'll be looking forward to new nutty dances.

5:59 PM, June 14, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking for suggestions on what to dance to?
- Blondie (One Way Or Another)
- Yeah (Usher)
- Smooth Criminal (Alien Ant Farm)
- 50 Cent (P.I.M.P)
- Love Shack (B-52s)
- Avril Lavigne (S8erboi)
- Billy Idol (Dancing With Myself)
- C&C Music Factory (Everybody Dance Now)
- JKWON (Tipsy)

9:14 AM, June 15, 2005  

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