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Thursday, June 30, 2005

Hey mama, can I do another request?

I hope you liked me shaking my booty to Hey Mama, one of many requested songs. What are my most requested songs/dances, you may ask? What I've seen the most include the Napoleon Dynamite dance, Hey Ya by Outkast, and Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush. Today's song was requested by Mike via e-mail.
Material Girl
To close my post, I want to remind you that I am still looking for guest dancers. So send your videos in! That's it for today.
- Daily Dancer

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

I've got attitude!

Howdy! I hope yesterday's dance to Attitude didn't offend anyone. I know the lyrics are a bit harsh, but the song has a good dancing beat. :)
Let's get right to my next dance video. Like Attitude, today's song is one that was requested before I went on vacation [Thanks, Justmeleigha and Ashley!].
Hey Mama
See you all tomorrow!
- Daily Dancer

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Whip it! Whip it good!

Yep, another great tune. And don't worry... No stuffed hippos were hurt in the filming of that video. That video was another request. I'm compiling a huge list of song requests, and I hope to dance to most of the songs in that list. Today, I dig into my vault and pull out a dance to The Wade's version of a popular Misfits tune (I hope you still come visit, Mr. Wade!). Please cover your ears if you don't want to hear extreme swearing. :)
It might take a while, but if you keep coming back, you may, one day, see me dance to a song you requested. See ya!
- Daily Dancer

Monday, June 27, 2005

Back to the living room!

Yeah, I'm back at my home base. Before I reveal today's dance video, I'd like to tell you that Camp Winnarainbow (where I shot last Friday's dance) is looking for new adult campers for next summer. It is really worth checking out! I certainly had a good time there.
So, here it is! After a week of vacation dances, here is my first living room dance. Get your whips ready... :)
Whip It
Well, its time for me to put my belt back in my pants and go to work. Be back tomorrow!
- Daily Dancer

Friday, June 24, 2005

Put a coin in me and watch me dance!

Yeah, I loved the Musee Mechanique. You should check it out if you are ever in San Francisco. As for my video, I also love the part where the kid is walking toward me and the adult pulls him away.
The last three nights of our vacation, my girlfriend and I went to a magical place... No, not Disneyland, but even better. We went to Camp Winnarainbow, which is a performing arts camp in Northern California. It is a place where people can let their crazy selves loose without worrying what people think. Activities there include juggling, stilt-walking, unicycling, sleeping in teepees, dressing up, playing music, and, of course, dancing! And dance I did at camp. :D
Whole Lotta Shakin'
And that's the story of our vacation. On Monday, it's back to the living room! Have a great weekend.
- Daily Dancer

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Don't worry, it gets better...

How did you like my great Dance Dance Revolution skill? I kept step with the music just right. I could take on the best of the best... Ahhhhhhh, who am I kidding... I SUCKED!!!
Anyway, back to my vacation story... On Tuesday, the 14th, we went down to Fisherman's Wharf for some sightseeing. While there, we tried the famous clam chowder in a bread bowl. It was mmmmmmm, good! We also wandered into a super cool place, known as the Musee Mecanique. There, they had some really old, but really cool, coin-operated games and machines. Many machines would play old-style piano music... Whoa, music? You know what I did...
Musee Mecanique
I hope that made up a little for yesterday's flop. And if you missed it, check out Monday's dance from the Jelly Belly factory. I have a showstopper ready for tomorrow, so come on back!
- Daily Dancer

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Tiger, Tiger, Tiger, Tiger Woods, Y'all!

Well, Tiger didn't win the US Open, but he's still the man! Speaking of golf, after dancing in the mini-golf parking lot, my girlfriend and I went inside, into the games arcade. And what did we find there? Oh yeah! Dance Dance Revolution! I had to give it a try. Take a look!
Dance Dance Revolution
Oy veh! Did someone put bricks in my shoes this day? I'll have a better video for you tomorrow. :)
- Daily Dancer

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Daily Dancer merchandise!

Yes! I finally have some Daily Dancer merchandise that you can buy.
Click on the picture above and shop 'til you drop! Thanks for your support.
- Daily Dancer

Jellybeans, anyone?

Well, I hope you liked my first outdoor dance. It was a great location, with the Jelly Belly sign and entrance right behind me. My girlfriend recorded it from our rental car with the music turned up loud.
On Saturday the 11th, we drove to Castro Valley, CA, to meet a friend and to play miniature golf at Golden Tee Golfland. It had two nice 18-hole courses with some very lengthy holes. I found it had too many volcano-style holes, but it was still fun. Between rounds, we ate dinner and then stopped in the mini-golf parking lot to record the following video.
Livin' La Vida Loca
Come back tomorrow, when I putt my way back onto your computer screen.
- Daily Dancer

Monday, June 20, 2005

I'm back!

Yes, my girlfriend and I are back from our vacation. Where did we go? Well, we started our vacation in sunny San Francisco. Each day this week, I will tell you more and more about our vacation. I will also post videos that we shot while we were out and about.
On Friday, the 10th, we drove North to Fairfield, CA, for a tour of the Jelly Belly factory. We got to see how jellybeans are made, and we even got some free samples. After the tour, we went outside and shot the following...
American Idiot
It's good to be back to share my dances with you. Tune in tomorrow for more from our vacation.
- Daily Dancer

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

It won't be long

Yeah, only a few days left before I can start posting my dances again. I am looking forward to it! I have some good ones for you.
Here is a nice shot of me standing at the edge of a cliff. You can see the ocean behind me.
Please note that I will not have any more computer access until I return home on Sunday. After that time, I shall respond to all of your e-mails and tally up all your song requests. Au revoir!
- Daily Dancer

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Vacation update

Hello all! My girlfriend and I are having lots of fun on our vacation. While we were out and about, we were able to capture a few new dances. I look forward to posting them a week from now, when we get home.
To keep you from being too bored, here is a photo of me, taken Sunday at the zoo.
I thank you all for sticking around and for giving me some good web hosting suggestions. Anyway, I am going back to vacationing, so I shall talk to you later. Bye!
- Daily Dancer

Thursday, June 09, 2005

We interrupt this program with some breaking news

I have some sad news for you. Over the next week, I will be taking a break from my regular posting. Why? One reason is that I need to find a new web server that gives me enough space and bandwidth (for cheap) to keep this site going. The other reason is that my girlfriend and I are taking a short vacation. So, if you send me e-mail this week, please be patient, as I might not be able to respond right away.
But I will be back! In the upcoming weeks, look for new videos, a new site design, guest dancers, and Daily Dancer merchandise. I hope you keep coming back!
- Daily Dancer

I had to start somewhere...

Yesterday, I rocked to Rock Lobster. Today, is story time! Yes, time to tell you about how this blog got started.
Well, I have always loved dancing and entertaining people. Whenever I hear a good beat, I cannot resist letting my body go with the music. Back around Christmas, 2004, my girlfriend and I were at a friend's house. Our friend showed us her fine DJ'ing skill. And I started dancing... Luckily, my girlfriend was recording my dance on her new digital camera, as it was a good one. Since then, I have been planning how I can share my passion with the world. :)
Here is my very first dance video. Enjoy!
First Video
And the Daily Dancer story goes on from there... I hope I can keep it going for a long time.
- Daily Dancer

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Welcome to the middle of the week

Spread, spread the jam. Spread it on. With your peanut butter. Don't tell your mother... Yeah, I'm getting carried away with words... I hope you enjoyed yesterday's dance to Pump up the Jam. Are you pumped about today's dance? I am! And here it is -- another request, thanks to Mitzzee and Mandy.
Rock Lobster
Come on back tomorrow with your lobster claws. We're gonna have a grippin' good time.
- Daily Dancer

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I think someone let the dogs out...

Well, yesterday, you finally saw me interact with the ball! Yeah, it is just a standard inflatable exercise ball, but it is lots of fun! Who let the dogs out? It wasn't me... :)
Today's video is another request (thanks, Sheri!). A little more laid back, but I hope you like it.
Pump up the Jam
Well, I must run. I gotta bring the dogs back in.
- Daily Dancer

Monday, June 06, 2005

A new week!

Yes, it is a new week. And you know what that means... New videos! Yep! And here is my latest...
Who Let the Dogs Out
On Friday, I did one of my favourite songs... Mr. Roboto... Did I mention that Styx had some great tunes way back when?
Well, I hope your week starts off in a good way. Au revoir!
- Daily Dancer

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Would you like to dance on dailydancer.com?

That's right! I'm looking for dancers to join me here at dailydancer.com. If you would like to share your passion with the world, just like I share mine, then send me a video to dd at dailydancer.com (replacing the 'at' accordingly). Try to keep your video about a minute long, no more than 1.5MB in size, and in Windows Media (WMV) or QuickTime (MOV) format.
I am getting a huge number of comments and e-mails from my fans. It is hard to keep track of questions and song suggestions (I'm working on a better system), but I am trying my best. Here's what I have for song suggestions: Everybody's Working for the Weekend, Kiss by Prince, Anything by Lords of Acid, Erasure, Disco Duck, Kung Fu Fighting (again), Wannabe by Spice Girls, Pump up the Jam, Breakfast in Vegas by Praga Khan, Housewife by Daan, Hey Mama by Black Eyed Peas, something by Beyonce or Beastie Boys, Who Let the Dogs Out, something by Tool or Misfits or Chris Isaak, Poison or Do Me by Bel Biv Devoe, Pour Some Sugar on Me, something by Wade (maybe The Future's So Bright), something French, Safety Dance, something by System of a Down, Rock Lobsta by the B52s, Cats by Gary Neuman. Phew! I apologize if I missed any.
So, keep sending those song suggestions and dance videos! And if you've linked to my site and you want me to link to yours, just send me an e-mail.
- Daily Dancer

Friday, June 03, 2005

The weekend is coming!

Yeah, it's friday alright... And Daily Dancer has a video that will keep you dancing all weekend long. Here it is!
Mr. Roboto
I hope you liked yesterday's spelling lesson. Go to www.badddspellah.com to download the Fett's Vette remix. Have a great weekend!
- Daily Dancer

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Can you spell Star Wars?

Hey! Last night, I came across this great tune online. So, this guy, Baddd Spellah, did a remix of a popular Star Wars rap. I listened to the song and thought "I should dance to this!"... And so, I dance to the song today.
Fett's Vette
Credits for the original song, by the way, go to MC Chris. Be back tomorrow for some more action!
- Daily Dancer

Geeks are awesome!

Well, last night I found a reality TV show just for me! It's Beauty and the Geek, which airs on The WB. On the show, geeky guys are paired up with hot girls. Well, except for the fact that I already have a girlfriend, I'd fit in just perfectly on that show. A few of those guys could really dance!
Speaking of dancing, how did you like Dancing Queen? The video was kinda short, but it was a lot of fun to make. My next dance video is coming right up!
- Daily Dancer

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Keep those requests coming!

I really appreciate all the nice comments people have given me. I also appreciate all the song requests. They really help me out. Yesterday's song was Barbie Girl, requested by tina jay. A great song for showing off my slick moves!
Some of you have been wondering about the brown spots in my carpet. Well, I don't know how they got there, but I know they were there before my girlfriend and I moved in... Did I say girlfriend? Yes, for those of you who questioned my sexuality. Anyway, I've tried to remove the spots, with no luck. A new carpet would be nice! :)
Today, I satisfy yet another song request...
Dancing Queen
Have a nice day!
- Daily Dancer