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Tuesday, May 31, 2005

How about another request?

Today, I dance to another song requested by my fans. Here it is!
Barbie Girl
Before ending this post, I want to acknowledge that my site has now gotten 50,000 visitors. Thanks, fans, for your support! Over...
- Daily Dancer

I'm too sexy for the web

Yeah, I hope you liked yesterday's song choice, thanks to anonymous' request. "I'm Too Sexy", a great one-hit-wonder by Right Said Fred. I also hope you liked my runway model skills... I know... I should stick to dancing... :)
Over these past two weeks, some of you have made suggestions. vitriol, for example, suggested having a voting system for choosing my song to dance to. Great idea! I could even allow people to rate each dance video. boydevo suggests that I do dances in different locations. Yes, that would be more exciting than my living room. I am definitely taking these suggestions into consideration.
For your enjoyment, here is a picture of me on a waterslide at a local pool. It was taken on Sunday afternoon.
My newest video is coming right up...
- Daily Dancer

Monday, May 30, 2005

At your request, Master!

This week, get ready to see your song wishes come true... starting with this video:
I'm Too Sexy
Come back tomorrow for some more Daily Dancer fun!
- Daily Dancer

You think I'm crazy?

Well, I did dance to Crazy, and by the comments I've read, some people think I am crazy. But, do you know what? I'm doing what I love to do, and that's what matters. :)
Saturday, I did say that I would take some time this week to answer some questions I have been asked. Last week, anonymous asked why, in Kharma Chameleon, I had a Christmas stocking hung up in May. Well, I made that video at Christmas time, back when I was playing around with the idea of making this website. Actually, the stockings are still up, but I like them.
- Daily Dancer

Saturday, May 28, 2005

25,000 visitors!

Yeah, it's been a great week for me. I can't believe my site is getting so popular! I do thank you all for coming to my site and for referring your friends.
I'd like to take a moment to recap my week here at dailydancer.com. I have gotten many comments. Most good, some not so good. tiaester says my dancing makes her day a better day. heemsah says I am a day brightener. I won't mention the bad comments. :)
Some of you have asked me questions. Like, why do I have a Christmas stocking hung up in the middle of May? I'll try to answer as many questions as I can next week.
I have received many song suggestions. These include Jailhouse Rock, Camp Granada, I Like Big Butts, I Feel Good, I'm Too Sexy, Barbie Girl, Dancing Queen... Whoa! I didn't realize there were so many! I'd better start choosing some.
Which song will I choose for Monday? Come back and find out!
- Daily Dancer

Friday, May 27, 2005

So, you heard me sing...

Well, I hope you enjoyed my singing debut. Did you sing along? Yeah, I just love Styx, even though they aren't the same band they used to be. Anyway, who does a better rendition of Come Sail Away? Me or Eric Cartman? Either way, that will probably be the last time you hear me sing. You are here to watch me dance, and that is what I intend to do!
You like Britney Spears? I do! And that's why I dance to her song today...
On Monday, I'll have another new dance for you. If you are good, I may post one sooner... So, have a good weekend and don't do anything I wouldn't do. :)
- Daily Dancer

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Simon says

You can't dance, you can't sing, ... what can you do? Ahh, the famous words of Simon Cowell (he said this at some point last season). So, I saw it! Did you see it? American Idol is over! You know what? I'd love to be on that show. You know why? Because I don't just have the voice... nope! I have the moves too, and boy can I dance! :)
Yesterday, I started telling you about my singing audition. Anyway, the radio hosts went through the best and worst, one by one, until they announced the last finalist. It wasn't me! Nope! But, they said something like "if you didn't get chosen, don't get discouraged ... unless you're this guy!". Of course *that* guy was me! And then was me, singing for all to hear... Would you like to see a re-creation of my audition? Sure you would! Here it is!
Come Sail Away
Doesn't that just hit your heart? It put a tear in my eye. Ooh!! And I almost forgot to comment on yesterday's video. Mammals... Discovery Channel... umbrellas... vacuums... 'nuff said!
- Daily Dancer

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Dancing isn't my only talent!

Hello again, my friends!
Are you all excited about the big finale of Americal Idol? I'm so excited!!! I can't wait to see what Simon will be wearing. :)
I once tried out for something like American Idol. It was a contest held by a local radio station. Contestants would stand in front of a booth and have one minute to sing. Every morning, the radio hosts would air the best (and worst) auditions of the day. Any guesses on how I did? What did I sing? Come back tomorrow and find out.
In the meantime, enjoy this video.
Bad Touch
- Daily Dancer

Norwegians love Daily Dancer!

Well, I must say a big hello to my fans in Norway. HELLO! Was that big enough? How about this?
Yeah, those nice people are helping my site become a success! Norway is one place I'd love to visit someday. Now, I must thank those who posted comments and song suggestions. Keep coming back here and you'll probably see me dancing to your song!
I hope you enjoyed Tuesday's video. I'm Rick James, b****!!! Yeah, that's right! Uhhhh, yeah... Doesn't Superfreak sound a lot like that song by... ummm... that Hammer guy? That was a good dance for my first fan suggestion. I hope you didn't mind me stopping briefly to get that big hangnail. :)
Stay tuned for my new video, which is coming very shortly.
- Daily Dancer

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

I pity the fool...

Ahhhhh... Monday's video... Eye of the Tiger... Rocky III... Rocky moving up the ranks... Mr. T. preparing himself to make a challenge... gotta love it!
What do you think of my boxing skills? You think I can take out Rocky? Mr. T? A fly? :)
Anyway, here is today's video, thanks to Farhan's suggestion. I hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to suggest any songs for me to dance to. If you are lucky, you will get your wish. :)
- Daily Dancer

Monday, May 23, 2005

Gaining popularity

Over the weekend, I got my first Technorati link!. My thanks goes out to Howdy Kid for being that link. All I need now is to be mentioned on Boing Boing. Then I'll be all set! Remember that if you link to my site and let me know, I will add a link to yours. E-mail me at dd at dailydancer.com, replacing the 'at' accordingly.
I hope you enjoy today's video. Comments will come tomorrow.
Eye of the Tiger
- Daily Dancer

I come and go...

Yeah, my colors are red, gold, and green all right...
On Friday, I posted my dance to Kharma Chameleon. That video gave you a first glimpse of my apartment. I hope you didn't get scared off by all the mess! And me with my shirt off? I'm sure that was enough to make Boy George tumble for me! :)
Also on Friday, I said I would tell you about the blue background. The blue background is just a cheap 12x10 tarp (that's feet). I was trying to do a blue-screen type of thing. Basically, if I take a video of me dancing and then filter out the background, I can put any background behind me. Just imagine me dancing in front of the Eiffel Tower! Anyway, my experiment did not work well. :(
I hope you liked Sunday's bonus dance to Fame. I won't be doing these bonus dances often. And that's the end of today's comments! A new video is coming soon.
- Daily Dancer

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Weekday, schmeekday

I know it's not a weekday... But, I just felt the need to share with you another dance! I hope you enjoy this one...
- Daily Dancer

Friday, May 20, 2005

So, you decided to come back, eh?

Welcome back!
Well, I guess you now know what I look like... should I be scared? You might want to know what I do for a living. Well, I am a software developer. Yep! I sit in front of a computer all day and write code. You can see how I appreciate any chance I have to get up and move.
Today's video should keep you satisfied over the weekend. Enjoy!
Kharma Chameleon
- Daily Dancer

Very first comments

So, how did you like yesterday's video? I hope it was as good for you as it was for me. Heh! I'm too funny...
Well, I did promise you comments on yesterday's video. And I'm sure you are just dying to read them. :) Well, here's what I have to say... Kung Fu Fighting is a great song to dance to. It has a bouncy rhythm with beats that just make you want to take on an army of ninjas. That video, like most of the videos I will post, was recorded in my living room. What's with the blue background, you may ask? I'll tell you on Monday.
So, those were my comments for today. If you ever want to post comments on one of my postings or videos, just click on "COMMENTS" below my post and go from there. Feel free to speak your mind or ask me questions.
- Daily Dancer

Thursday, May 19, 2005


Hello. My name is Daily Dancer. I am a typical computer geek, but there is one thing I love more than computers:
I created this blog so that I may share my passion with you. Every weekday morning, I plan to post a new video of me dancing to a different song. Besides posting videos, I will use my blog to comment on anything that is on my mind.
So, without further adieu, here is my first video.
Kung Fu Fighting (QuickTime MOV)
(click here for WMV version)
If you come back tomorrow (Friday) morning, you can read my comments on this video and view my next video. If you keep coming back, you can learn more and more about me. I hope you enjoy my videos and my blog.
- Daily Dancer